How many anchor charts do you have hanging on walls, on chart stands, or rolled up somewhere in your classroom? Well, if you're anything like me the number is high! Last year I made smaller versions of my charts by either redoing the anchor chart on my computer (or sometimes by hand) or taking pictures of the original chart. Then I'd shrink it down a bit, print it, and put it in 8 X 10 magnetic picture frames I had that looked something like this...
That worked out ok, but they were a little time consuming to slide in the frames, I only had so many frames, and I was limited on how many magnetic surfaces I had to put them on. Not to mention, students weren't very independent using them because they weren't really set up for that.
I plan on having more than one chart stand around the room that my students can use. I'm thinking at least one for science, math, English, and reading. I am thinking of painting them (or using washi tape) to coordinate with the colors we use for each subject so they can easily remember which stand to go and look at when they have a question!
If you want to purchase one of these for yourself, you can visit my TPT store by clicking here.
Or if you want to make one on your own...I used:
5 - 12" long
4 - 3" long
6 - elbows
2 - tees
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