In the first picture, students are using rubber stamps to practice their words. This was their first time doing this, so they're all at desks, neatly organized. However, typically they spread out whereever they want to work.

In the second picture, students are using stencils to practice their words.

In the third picture, students are working together to put their words in alphabetical order. First, students write their words on index cards, then they use the pocket chart to put their words in order. Finally, they record their words (in ABC order) on paper. Although they are in a small group, since they don't all have the same spelling words, they do this independently. Once a student has their words in order in the pocket chart, the other members of the group check his/her work before the words are recorded.

In the fourth picture, students are using magnetic letters to practice their words. Some students choose to use cookie sheets (from the dollar store), others prefer to use one of the magnetic white boards, and still others choose to use the side of the magazine rack I got when Hollywood Video was going out of business that I then painted using magnetic paint.

It'll take a few days (or weeks), but I'm hoping to finalize my spelling extensions (inspired by my friend Sarah K.) project and put it up on TeachersPayTeachers.
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